Fall 2012 Members News and Events and Exhibits

Charlotte Bird and VAYLA Royenko have been invited to exhibit work in "Everything In Between" Art Quilts, Fabric Collage, and Embroidery" at the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery at Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah, September 27 - November 10, 2012.  http://www.suu.edu/pva/artgallery/  

Kathy Nida and VAYLA are showing work at: 
Quilt Visions 2012: Brainstorms, October 20, 2012 - February 17, 2013 http://visionsartmuseum.org/
Valya is also showing at
CONTEXTILE 2012 – CONTEMPORARY TEXTILE ART TRIENNIAL  September 01 – October 14 http://contextile2012en.wordpress.com/

Connecting Threads, Julie Kornblum’s fiber art exhibition showing California Fibers members Charlotte Bird, Ashley Blalock, Polly Jacobs Giacchina, Carol Lang, Michael Rohde, and Peggy Wiedemann in Terminal One at Los Angeles International Airport. The exhibition will run from August 2012 through January 2013, and will also include:
Fern Bensen, Brecia Kralovic-Logan, Sandra Rude, Nadine Speir, Jenne Giles, Leisa Rich, Cindy Rinne, Connie Rohman, Carmella Rother, Merna Strauch, Darlyn Susan Yee, and Emily Dvorin.
Terminal One, on view through February 28, 2013. Julie has work included as well.

Carol Lang  was in the West Coast Fiber and Book Arts exhibition which was held at the Escondido Municipal Gallery. Carol, along with Peggy Weidemann, has also been accepted for the Los Angeles Basketry Guild Member exhibit which is being held at the Fine Arts Building in Downtown Los Angeles, 811 W. 7th St.  
It runs from November 5th through the 30th

Cameron Taylor-Brown spent two weeks in Turkey in September, where among many wonderful adventures, visited a maker of traditional felted rugs and saddle blankets in Tire. Here is a short video  posted on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wk1jwvAjPo&feature=plcp

Upon Cameron's return she met with Diana Luna and Manny Guardado at the Norton Simon Museum of Art in Pasadena. "We walked through their collections and brainstormed ideas for a workshop that became Textiles in Art. "Unravel the history of textiles in art...explore examples from the Norton Simon collection...(then) create an original textile-inspired collage..." The workshop is scheduled for February 23, 2013!