Peggy Wiedemann had seen shows by California Fibers and was really impressed with the scope and quality of the art. So when she was asked to fill out an application to join, she was really excited.
Transitions, 2012, pine needles, Irish waxed linen
She was voted in about 12 years ago and is so glad that she became part of this group. Wiedemann says the group has surrounded her with really talented people. She likes the way they share their work and looks forward to seeing what they do next. She is learning so much about all kinds of fiber art.
Let Your Imagination Soar, 2017, pine needles, Irish waxed linen, rag cordage, metal toy wheels, found objects
Wiedemann writes that California Fibers has really influenced her work in a very positive way. Even though they are using different fiber techniques than she uses, their work really inspires her. Plus, their positive support allows her to try new things that lead her work in new directions.
Extensions, 2020, rag cordage, Irish waxed linen, wire, wood, fishing reel, fishing objects