50 Years of California Fibers: Gail Fraser

Gail Fraser’s passion for creating art began later in life. She was accepted into a graduate program in the mid-1990s. Curious about the many processes, she found hand twining, making handmade paper, and studying containers and the many complex environmental layers her inspiration and joy.

Fraser became a member of California Fibers the same year she graduated with an MFA degree, in 2001. She felt very connected and proud to belong to such a well-organized, professional, and strongly committed group of members who have a similar passion for creating and showing how cohesion works together.

Below is Finding The River (1997), an exploration and expression of Fraser’s intuition and conception about her personal philosophy relating to one’s life journey. She believes a spiritual interconnection within oneself is learning to listen to one’s own inner voice and trusting that voice as a guide to becoming more true to oneself.

Finding the River.jpg

Dauntless (1998), below, represents the courageous people who put fear, uncertainty, and self pity behind them and boldy continue to travel through life with resolution.


Field Desk, below, is a continuously changing and growing installation filled with Fraser’s treasures, consisting of gifts from friends, found searching in nature, or from shopping at antique stores. It is a deliberate invitation to guest viewers to encourage them to interact by touching, smelling, observing, scrutinizing, and examining the details and mysteries that surround the desk and its environment. Fraser feels that Field Desk captures a new meaning and relevance in the connection of nature and cultural issues in a more balanced and harmonious relationship between nature and culture.

Field Desk.jpg